General Surgery

About the Speciality

Loka Medicity Hospital provides cutting-edge surgical care and assistance for both emergency and elective surgeries. Our team comprises a highly skilled Surgeon, Nutritionist, Physiotherapist, Nurses, and support staff specializing in various surgical fields. We are committed to delivering exceptional surgical services with a focus on comprehensive patient care and well-being.

Department of Podiatry

The dedicated department at Loka Medicity Hospital offers comprehensive care for diabetic feet, aiming to minimize the necessity for surgery. Our approach involves addressing blood circulation issues, correcting hormonal imbalances, and managing sugar levels through limb exercises. We provide advanced surgical interventions and leverage cutting-edge technologies to prevent amputation. Our integrated team employs a holistic approach to decrease negative pressure, ensuring the optimal well-being of our patients.

Department of Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

We specialized department excels in laparoscopic hernia surgeries, utilizing abdominal strengthening technologies to prevent hernia recurrence. Our comprehensive approach includes expert diet management and dedicated post-operative care, ensuring the highest quality of recovery for our patients. Additionally, we have a monitoring unit in place to oversee the complete recovery process and promote optimal health outcomes.

Our Doctors of General Surgery